It has been quite a while since I wrote. Being a working homeschooling mom to two very spirited boys really do make time seem to disappear! I am certain most, if not all, of you mommies and daddies out there know what I mean.
After years of not opening this blog, I did so today and was shocked to read my previous posts. Seeing photos and videos of my now elementary child in his toddler years brought back so many memories. Then it hit me. I wrote and documented my eldest son's early years but hardly did for my second who is now 2 and a half. The guilt started to come in.
I have heard other parents laugh and joke around about how when we are raising our eldest, we tend to be so involved. I heard some even joke that when a mouthing toy of a first child falls, a first time parent quickly picks it up and packs it away in a container or washes it thoroughly with organic toy wash immediately. By the second child, the fallen mouthing toy finds its way to just being rinsed. By the third child, the parent just dusts off the toys and gives it back to the child. This is a funny thing to say but I know that there is a small amount of truth in it.
I was more relaxed and confident in raising my second, since as they say, I got 'some practice from raising the older one' which is a good thing. However, I would also like to give my second the same amount of effort I gave the first-born.
My siblings and I (there are 6 of us) often joke about how the amount of baby pictures dwindled as more children arrived. You see, my kuya (big brother) and I had the most baby and childhood pictures, complete with baby books. My younger siblings however had far less baby pictures and incomplete baby books. I am not even sure if my youngest sibling had a baby book. haha! And now, it is becoming the same case for my kids. My second's baby book is also unfinished. ooooppppsss! Need to start documenting my journey with the second again and of course, finish that baby book!
Have you finished all of your kids' baby books?
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