Monday, August 15, 2011

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Fearfully and wonderfully made, this is what we all are.  God created each and everyone of us with great care and love.  He knows each of us by name and knows even the exact number of hairs on our heads.  To help Ynigo know who he is, Jason led a family devotions which centred on the verse, 
                 I am fearfully and wonderfully made. - Psalm 139:14           

We then decided on actions to use to make memorizing the verse easier.  Jason then explained this verse to Ynigo.  Afterwards, I made Ynigo look at himself on the mirror, identify the parts that God made and then asked him to draw a portrait of him.  

To supplement, we taught Ynigo the song, "God Made Me" which he truly enjoyed and would sing even without accompaniment.  



  1. its about the memorization of the child. the talent of the child in memorization is good, by doing that kind of activity the child never feel confident to act in front of many people....

  2. hi teach.. children learn best through exploring and playing.. it would be easier for them to memorize things if they can be able to sing it or if it is related to their interests...

  3. Hi teach!.. I love how you teach Ynigo.. It full of fun and surprises. Even Sir Jayson gets involved. Its is a wonderful opportunity for a child to be taught by both of his parents.
    It is also amazing how you let Ynigo take part on deciding on the actions where in he will recall easily.

  4. hi teach :) Ynigo is so cute :) it is true that child must be also included in deciding on what they want to do for them to easily remember it :))) Good Job Ynigo :))

  5. your so cute Ynigo.
    art or drawing are very useful and helpful activity for the young kid like Ynigo, they learn and at the same time they enjoy it..

    the more they experience it, the more they LEARN...:)

  6. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made", i believe that all of us was created by our God, and i believe also that he love us unconditionally. I always encourage Lei to pray and have a talk to God and most of all, i teach him to Love God. Ynigo here is very open minded (looks like) that's nice:)
